Chester County CHADD - Marie and Joan |
Written by Kathy Schlegel
January 18 – CHADD - This is part one of a two part series on Attention Deficit Disorder, and the Eighth Annual CHADD Conference to be held on January 27, 2007 at WCU. Our guests were Marie Paxson, Coordinator of Chester County CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder), and Joan Polka a Psychologist from the Counseling Center at WCU. Both Marie and Joan are on the Board of Directors of the Chester County CHADD. Joan told us it is very important for students with ADHD who want to attend college to learn as much as they can about their strengths and weaknesses. They also need to seek help in the beginning, and not wait until they are overwhelmed and perhaps about to fail
a course or two. One way to find this information is to read books on the topic. Joan recommends “Driven to Distraction,” by Dr’s Hallowell and Ratey. Students can also go to the Counseling Center in the Lawrence Building, and start the process to understand what strategies and tools they might need to be successful in college. Another thing to keep in mind is that when you schedule your classes, try your best to schedule them to fit your life. If you know you can’t get up for an 8:00 am class, try not to schedule one. Marie shared what the upcoming conference will be offering for college students. There will be a talk on the documentation that ADHD students need in college, as well as the importance of adjusting, and how to adjust to the transition from home to college. That talk will be given by Joan Polka from the WCU Counseling Center, and Dr. Marty Patwell from the WCU Office of Students with Disabilities (OSSD). Directly following will be some of our own WCU students who have ADHD, and have been helped by the OSSD. The conference is free for college students and WCU Faculty. For more information, visit the Chester County CHADD Website at
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