Joseph Santivasci - University Registrar |
Written by Kathy Schlegel
February 22 – University Registrar – Joseph Santivasci – We invited Joe to talk to address the topic, “What students need to know to meet the requirements for graduation.” Joe was kind enough to come and fill us in. Joe told us it’s important to remember that to graduate, students minimally need to have 120 credits, a 2.0 GPA, all of their general education requirements competed, all major requirements completed, and if applicable, all of the minor requirements completed. To keep track of your progress, students can now run a “Degree Progress Report,” from your myWCU account. You should also meet regularly with your advisor. Joe told us that students are required to apply for graduation through myWCU by clicking on the link under
SELF SCHEDULING that reads “Apply for graduation.” The fee for graduation is currently $56.00, which includes the cap and gown, as well as ten announcements. When should you apply? At the end of your junior year when over 85 credits have been completed. Once a student has applied for graduation, the registrar’s office reviews the students’ records to confirm that general education requirements have been completed. Joe said that the student will be asked to come to the Registrar’s office if any requirements are missing. The student should also meet with their major advisor to make sure they have completed all of the major requirements. The Registrar’s office is available to help the students make sure they are on track for graduation. However, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to make sure they are taking the required courses to graduate on time. |
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