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Written by Adam Kaplan | |
Greetings prospective WCUR DJs It's pretty simple to become a WCUR DJ. This semester we are having two separate sessions throughout the semester to try and accommodate everyone. Each session lasts 6 weeks, consisting of one weekly meeting and one or two weekly sit-ins with current DJs on the air. The weekly meetings, which last an estimated half hour, are where you learn the technical aspects of being a DJ. You need to know how the station runs, the FCC rules and regulations, standard operating procedures. These are things you must know to be on a licensed station, such as this one. The weekly sit-ins are where you get the "hands on" experience. You sit for an hour each time and watch the DJ and they show you how to do certain skills. Then you usually get to practice yourself. At the end of the training, you will be required to take (and pass!) two tests: one written test, where you will use the knowledge you learned in the meetings, and one on-air test, where you use the knowledge you learned from your sit-ins. Doesn't sound bad does it? Well since you're still interested, here's the important info you need to know so you can start training. Training is on Thursday nights at 7:10pm in room 255 Sykes. If you wanted to get a head start to knowing the information or just wanted to see what kind of stuff you'll be learning, then you can go HERE for a Study Guide. This will also be helpful if for some reason you need to miss a meeting or missed a handout.