LARC - Learning Assistance and Resource Center
Written by Kathy Schlegel   
February 15 - Our guests today were Gerardina (Ger) and Miranda from the WCU Learning and Resource Center. Ger is the Interim Director, and Miranda is the Interim Assistant Director, as well as the Coordinator of SI (Supplemental Instruction) Program. Ger told us that the LARC provides tutoring and academic support services to help students become independent learners.  That includes general tutoring for 100 and 200 level courses, as well as PRAXIS review sessions. PRAXIS are the tests that all education majors have to take in order to be certified in PA, and here at WCU they need to take it to be accepted into their major.

         Miranda explained to us that Supplemenal Instruction (SI) is when it is announced in a class that a tutor is attending the class, and is available for help through the LARC. The tutor has already taken the class and received a grade of at least an A-. This way the tutor is familiar with the work, as well as with the Professor. When a student wants tutoring, they can go to the LARC and ask. Ger added that SI is mainly for Chemistry, Biology, and Math 161, which are courses that have a high rate of DFW (Drop, Failure, Withdrawal).

    The LARC also offers a Student Success Seminar, which is a five-week session to help with time management, study skills, note taking and more. There is a new one starting after Spring Break, and you can call 610-436-2535 to sign up. You can get more information by searching "LARC"  on the WCU website. Of course, you can just stop in to find out how they can help you become a better student. The LARC is located in Room 223 of the Lawrence Center.